Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hillary's In And She's In To Win!

What an exciting week this has been for Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY)! She's made history with her recent announcement of her presidential run, and she's doing it with great ease.

I'm not sure what it is, but Hillary seems rather warm and relaxed on TV these days. She was interviewed before and after the State of the Union on MSNBC. She seemed quite comfortable in her own skin. Not at all the wearing the the ice-queen label in any of her recent appearances.

I've made it clear here in the past that I support Edwards, but also that I found Biden an interesting candidate, well, now let me add to that Hillary is looking better and better each day.

She's in Iowa right now, where polls have her behind Edwards and Obama. No matter, she drew a massive crowd who was filled with enthusiasm and thrilled to see her. Iowa seems to have laid out the welcome mat to Senator Clinton in a big way.

Of all the candidates running, Hillary leads the pack with her prior experience. Having occupied The White House for 8 years, I'm sure she's picked up some good experience. Having been our Senator in New York only adds to her resume. And let's not forget her years with Bill when we was Governor.

Hillary knows government. But so does Biden, however, Hillary is a stronger candidate in terms of her team/staff and her fundraising capabilities, and of course, let's not forget her husband, our wonderful former president, Bill Clinton.

I admit it, I am a Bill Clinton fan. I would LOVE to see Hillary run and run well and get both herself and Bill back into the White House, I'd be in Heaven. We all know that Bill Clinton has done great things for America when he was in charge; our economy was strong, jobs were plentiful, our image abroad was in intact, and our president did an outstanding job.

So far, the only negative the Media has thrown at Hillary is her vote for the war. I think many voters don't hold this vote against her. Congress was mislead by faulty intelligence designed to fool them, just like they fooled us. How can anyone seriously make more of her vote than that?

Overall, this is becoming a very exciting time for Democrats. And the more I see of our party, the more certain I become that we'll have a new Democratic president in 2009. From all us here, good luck to Senator Clinton! And thank you and President Clinton for all the good you both have done for our country.


Anonymous said...

Senator Hillary Clinton was great proponent of the war. In many respect she did a better job of supporting the war than President Bush. Where she failed was in her resolve to stand by her words.

Check out her own words.



In light of the lies that Bush and his staff told over WMD, nearly all Senators (Dem or Repub) voted for the war. It's not Hillary's fault that Bush, Powell, and Cheney mislead us ALL with their lies about WMD. Shame on George Bush for rushing to war and allowing so many of our brave troops to die for no apparent reason. There is no else to blame for this war in Iraq. It had NOTHING to do with 9/11, or the war on terror - but we know that now. Back then, he lied and said it was.

Anonymous said...

Do not accuse people without proof. If Bush lied, prove it, and while you are at it, prove the 15 different intelligence agencies lied. If Bush lied, then Senator Clinton should be leading the charge to impeach him and to cut funding for the war. Demand that she do so.

Listen to Senator Clinton's own words. Go look at the speaches the Democrats made. They did not cite Bush as their source.

Check out what President Clinton said. Consider that Saddam Hussein used poison gas against the Kurds and the Iranians. Tell me of a country that challenged the assertion that Hussein had WMD. What about the fact that we did find WMD munitions? What about the fact that the New York Time complained that our government was posting information about Hussein's nuclear program plans that needed to be kept secret?

Where is your proof?


What kind of drugs are you on?

Prove that Bush didn't lie. Or just back under that same rock that you and your ilk belong under.

Have you read about Bob Woodward's book, State of Denial? Read it and then come back here and tell me this 'war' wasn't all bullshit, period.

Anonymous said...

I have to prove that Bush did not lie? And you are asking me if I am on drugs?

Since I am on drugs and my intelligence is obviously beneath your contempt, humor me. It would be cruel to force a drugged idiot to read a whole book. Obviously, such a task is beyond my poor capabilities, but I still vote. Don't you want me properly informed?

What actual proof did Woodward provide? If Woodward provided such proof, why doesn't a Democrat Congress impeach Bush for starting a war?

Teri Beaugez said...

Even Bush Admits there were no WMDs in Iraq, and we're having a trial right now based upon the Bush Admin.'s attempt to discredit a CIA investigator who told them Saddma wasn't trying to buy yellow cake uranium from Africa. Pretty much all that crap Colin Powell stated to the UN was nonsense.

All that aside, giving Bush the power to use force doesn't mean he had to prosecute the war the way he did, ineptly, and without significant support of our allies.

What Hillary was told and what she expected Bush to do has NOTHING to do with the truth or how irresponsibly he used the leverage he was given.


Amen! The war was poorly executed by Rumsfeld and his incompetence was overlooked for far too long by our president.

The president was given authority and support by the Senate and it was the RIGHT vote - he was just not executed properly by Bush.

That isn't Hillary's fault.


Now that some time has passed, how do you guys/ladies feel about Hillary's performance?