Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Of course, this is a line from a movie, but it applies to what I'm about to talk to discuss. That being the candidacy of Barack Obama. I've heard a lot about "change" from him, and I heard it so much that finally it hit me - how is he really about "change" when all he's doing is copying others that came before him? To me, that's not change. It's being a copycat, it's being unoriginal, and it reminds me of the way too many remakes Hollywood has given us in the way of "new" releases. They weren't at all "new," they were just movies based on other movies that came before them. Very much like Barack Obama.

To me, to be a force in politics, one must have their own original voice, their own original ideas, to be considered an agent of "change." But that is not the case with Barack.

Obama is no different than any other candidate out there. Except that he's bi-racial and except that he thinks he that he is entitled to legacy of people like MLK, or Bobby Kennedy. Well, that's not so. This is not something any of us are entitled to. These great men lived and died because they had a cause, a purpose, and a vision. Obama has none of that. All he seems to be preaching is that we should vote for him because he's half-black, and somehow this "change" is all America needs and poof! Just like magic, all of our ills will be gone!

It's childish, it egotistical and it's stupid. It is an illogical message that makes no sense and is not rooted in reality.

We need a president that knows the ropes and won't require on-the-job teaching. What we don't need is a guy who thinks he's entitled to be our president and wants to exploit the real and passionate dream of MLK.

Martin Luther King was great because he fought for what he believed in. Running for president does not make anyone great. Martin Luther King moved us with his speeches because it was what he lived and saw with his own eyes, which inspired him to desire change, and then he inspired everyone else.

There is nothing in Obama's history close to this. Nothing in his speeches that told me he led a life of disadvantage because of racism. So, Obama owes someone like MLK a lot for the life he's lived, because MLK fought and died and made those changes that helped future generations.

And all I have to say is, I think that Obama should show a little more respect to the great men that came before him, and he needs to realize that these men EARNED their place in the hearts of Americans for the sacrifices they made, and not for just repeating the words the others. They were original. They were visionaries. They were mavericks, the real deal.

Talk is cheap and Obama needs to walk the walk before he can talk the talk.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Hampsire Comeback!

Way to go, Hillary Clinton! What an awesome night for Clinton supporters and for America! This night was nothing short of amazing!

As you may already know, the Iowa results drove me slightly mad. I was upset over the defeat the Clinton camp suffered, and so I ranted and raved and bitched for days in between making calls to New Hampsire voters on behalf of Senator Clinton.

Of course, during the course of each day, the news was on TV. Cable news to be exact. Non-stop coverage of Hillary's loss in Iowa, coverage that predicted Obama as the winner in New Hampshire; coverage that was basically making it look like Hillary was toast. Of course, this only motivated me MORE to push for Hillary in New Hampshire, so I did. But, I was worried. Very worried.

The curious thing was the disconnect between the media and the voters in NH that I was speaking to on the phone. Voters were gracious and happy to get my call, happy to share with me that they intended to or already had voted for Senator Clinton. Of course, there were some assholes that hung up on me.

Anyway, I did call other NH volunteers, the ones that were working the GOTV effort to share with them this news that was not being reported on the news. Instead, the media showed Clinton being rejected by Obama supporters in NH. The other volunteers were pleased to hear what I was telling them, that the voters wanted to see a Clinton victory in New Hampshire.

At the end of the day, it looks like the extensive coverage that was hostile to Hillary helped her, the people were pissed that was media was prematurely calling it for Obama. What can I say but thank you, New Hampsire. Thank you!

Friday, January 4, 2008

How I Really Feel About This Obama Win in Iowa

While I may have been born is Seattle, I was raised in New York. Throughout this post, you will hear New York talking. I really don't think this is the time for being polite. I don't care who I offend, because if I don't get this all out of me, chances are I'll explode.

I was excited yesterday because it was time for Iowa to get out there and vote. I thought the polls were so close and I really, truly expected a tie, and that's what we almost had really. I had CNN on TV and sometimes MSNBC and even Fox to see what the numbers were as they were coming in. I also had CNN's website on my laptop because they were giving us live action from inside the caucus rooms.

Then it happened. The media projected Obama as the winner.

I was stunned. I kept waiting for more results. I kept hoping as other precients reported, Hillary and Edwards would take it. Nope. That never happened.

And there was his face, all over the news, annoying the shit out of me, making me want to throw something at my own TV so it would all stop. I was not happy with Obama's lead.

How do I explain about how I feel about Obama? I've never liked him. I've watched this race with both eyes as each candidate announced they were in. I have listened to each and every one of them at the debates, read their websites, listened to the news, etc. And here we are, at a crucial time in our history, when America desperately needs a good, experienced president, and what did Iowa give us? Obama.



You can't be serious?

Are you fucking kidding?

Over Clinton? Over Edwards? Over Biden? Over all the others....?

No fucking way.

I can't take this. I'm pissed. In fact, someone could've set me on fire and I would have been less pissed off at that then I was at this.

In case you don't understand why I'm angry, please realize that we Democrats have eaten too much shit from Bush over the last 7 years, let's not even talk about what was done to Gore, or Kerry; forget about Iraq, the economy, Valerie Plame, Monica Lewinsky, the Clinton witch hunt; the complete disregard for our Consitution, and everything else, all I wanted was for us to seize the moment and choose a qualified Democrat to bring us victory this November. Did I ask for too much? Apparently I did.

And look at us now. Going into New Hampshire, with idiots standing behind Obama. With Obama saying he can win the White House if he wins in NH. Excuse me, but stop lying, pal. YOU CAN'T WIN THE WHITE HOUSE NO MATTER HOW MANY STATES YOU TAKE NOW. And therein lies my problem. I know that Obama is NOT the person to deliver a Democratic victory in '08. I am furious because others CAN win, like Clinton, or Edwards, two very fine candidates with qualifications and experience that would remedy the ills of America.

But no, now this. Now it's possible that Obama may win the nomination someday, and then he'll have to fight against Republicans. And I don't care much he dreams of uniting people and all this crap about "change" and "hope" which at the end of the day mean nothing because he's never told me anything memorable. The only point he drive home was that nonsense about him not voting for the Iraq war. Someone please give him a cookie and tell him to get lost. Obama can't and won't defeat Republicans. At least, I sure don't think so. This is a disaster. It's not what America needs right now.

So, here and now, I have to wonder what is wrong with some of the people voting in this country? Do we want to become irrelevant? Do we want to sink in status around the world? Do we want Republicans to win again? Well, it sure seems like it.

I don't know about you, but I sure hope voters all across America wake up and smell the damn coffee. This is not the time to gamble on some newbie like Obama, because if we do, we're going to lose, and we'll more than just the election, we'll lose all hope of ever recovering from the politices and errors of George W. Bush. And what should have been a temporary disaster will (most likely) become a permanent one. Tonight, I'm praying that voters in New Hampshire are smarter than the ones in Iowa.