Tuesday, January 2, 2007

We The People

by Teresa Beau

On November 7th, this Country took back some of its power! Bravo to us! There has been so much dissatisfaction in the air with the state of our government and the way Republicans have been running it.

Until November 7th, the people of our Nation had either accepted the lying and spin, the corruption, the pandering, the ends-justifies-the-means tactics, and the Rove-style slaughtering of all forces of opposition as "politics as usual," or we've ranted and raved impotently. Those days are OVER! We, as a Nation, stated loudly and clearly that this is OUR COUNTRY, and we will take responsibility for it.

We had become complacent and disillusioned, and the Bush Administration took advantage of that. Finally, the American electorate stopped holding its nose and swallowing the bad medicine of the Bush Administration. The "sleeping giant," the people of this Nation, have awakened, and we have realized that we will get the representation and the government we deserve. We have stopped taking our democracy for granted.

We must continue on this path of empowerment and reject the polarization tactics that have torn us apart. We are ALL AMERICANS, and in order to meet the grave challenges we face, we must each stand up, together. We must again, remember our ideals in order to change the course of our Country and the World.

One must be an idealist to bring about change and a pragmatist to understand the changes that are necessary. We need a leader who embodies both, and in John Edwards, we have found that leader.

Together we can TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY from those have led us down the wrong path.

"Here sir, the people govern!"
Alexander Hamilton
(speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, June 17, 1788 )


DRS said...

I think you hit the nail on the head in regards to the reasons you gave for the election outcome.

People like me voted democrat mainly because we wanted a balance of power in congress. We voted Democrat because they weren't Republicans.

That being said, Democrats will not have it so easy in the next election. Those of us that expected them to make a difference are going to expect nothing short of real results.

I am not familiar with Deans position on many issues, but I would be interested in knowing what they are. :)

Teri Beaugez said...

Thanks for your comment DRS. "Edwards'" positions, you meant :)

We do have his website handy to click on, but here's a link to his recent intereview on This Week: http://blog.johnedwards.com/story/2007/1/2/16723/02471

And below is a brief summary of his positions. In the days and months to follow, we plan to cover his positions in great detail:

"This campaign is about each of us taking responsibility for our country's future -- and ensuring America’s greatness in the 21st century.

It is a campaign not just about what we can do in the White House -- but what we can do on the way.

We all must take responsibility and take action now to:

Provide moral leadership in the world
Strengthen our middle class and end poverty
Guarantee universal health care for every American
Lead the fight against global warming
Get America and other countries off our addiction to oil."

Anonymous said...

I thought that John Edwards should have been running for President last time. We have a canidate who didn't go around bad mouthing everyone who disagreed with him. John Edwards stands for what is good in a President. I would be proud to give you my vote and I'm sure that the rest of America's Family's would gladly cast their vote for you. It's been a long time sense I was happy to see a man worthy of my vote.Good luck. cesornig@comcast.net