Saturday, February 17, 2007

An Open Letter To Senator Hillary Clinton

Dear Senator Clinton:

There are some of us out there who care about your positions beyond the war in Iraq. While I am personally tired of hearing about your vote to authorize the war and do not hold it against you, I am glad that you have properly addressed the matter. But let's be done with it. I know it isn't your fault that this question of your vote is repeatedly thrown at you. To me it is a non-issue, and your statement that you'd end the war in Iraq once elected is good enough for me.

So, this leaves us in a new place. A place where you can address other pressing matters regarding our country. And I am curious about how you'd take this country to a better place overall.

What would you do about the economy? About jobs, the quality of jobs and the quantity.

What about healthcare? How would remedy the crisis?

About our global image, it has been badly damaged thanks to Bush, what would you do to make things better?

About N.Korea, Iran and Iraq, what needs to be done? But this question ties into the war on terror, and therefore, what are your plans on dealing with nation-states we cannot trust to fight terror? Safe-havens are popping up again in Afghanistan, what is your remedy? And so we hear that Pakistan isn't exactly turning over terrorists, how do we deal with that?

Education, especially the costs of higher education, what else can we do to help more families see their kids go to college?

These are some of the things I'm curious about. It sure would be awesome if anyone out there gave you the opportunity to address these things rather than just go on about the past and the vote for the war in Iraq.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Hillary prediction?